Creating Repeat Players

While attracting new players is a top priority, the fate of your casino rests with its repeat players. Our experienced promotions staff will develop plans to reward your existing players for their loyalty, draw new players from other venues, and entice the simply curious to try their luck.

Wynner’s Casino in Livonia needed to increase the number and frequency of repeat player visits. In response, we created the Diamond Club, a members-only club that boosts repeat play while providing members a chance to benefit from exclusive opportunities and promotions. Membership in the Diamond Club is encouraged throughout the casino.

  • A diamond design is integrated in the large outdoor pylon sign.
  • The Diamond Club logo is clearly shown on the front of the casino; it’s visible from both the street and parking lot.
  • A large diamond is displayed on the front facing portion of the entrance canopy.
  • Decorative red diamonds encircle the casino floor and serve as an integral part of the wall décor; a constant reminder of the status surrounding club membership.